Over the past two days our family has come together to make an important list. The list of words that Riona can say.
As you are all aware, Riona is being raised to be bilingual, and already she is showing a skill for both English and Japanese. She is starting to use new words more quickly lately, and it's a treat to hear her new words for the first time.
English words:
No - She just recently started using this word. Tonight she used it when I asked her if I could brush her teeth. She just said, "No", and left it at that.
More - She actually pronounces this word very well. Last night she was enjoying her miso soup, and kept asking for more. I think she had about four bowls of soup. (Luckily for her bladder they weren't full bowls.)
Book - Often there is a slight pause between the boo- and -k sounds. She loves to read books. Though she hasn't yet figured out that Daddy can't read the Japanese ones.
Mommy - She is a mommy's girl. Of course she can say it.
Daddy - But she learned "daddy" first!
Cah-in - Riona-speak for "Colin". Yeah, it's cute.
Uh uh - She's good at using this word. And the head shake goes along with it. "Uh uh" is used in many situations, some examples of which are in response to, "Do you want to take a nap now?", or "Eat your vegetables."
Wadoh - Riona-ese for Water. She loves recognizing water, and does it everywhere. When we saw the waterfall in Zions Canyon she said, "Wadoh". When I drained the icebox onto the ground she walked over to it, pointed at the water on the ground, and said, "Wadoh". She can say it when she's thirsty.
Batch - Riona-ese for bath, usually said with a slight pause between the bat- and -ch sounds. She loves taking baths. Lately she's been getting very good at popping the bubbles daddy makes by blowing into his hand. Amazingly, no matter how many times she has had near accidents involving her face and bathwater (and no matter how young) she still loves her baths, and has still, to my recollection, never cried.
Bir - Or is it Biw? I can't just now remember exactly how she says it. But either way, it's Riona-ese for Bird. She has always loved birds, and will even chase them around a grassy field. Though that Steller's Jay that joined us for dinner while camping a few nights ago scared her. But he was too close for comfort for me, as well.
Cheerio - Cheerios. Actually, I can't remember now just how she says it, but she can say it. This is currently her most common breakfast, with milk. If mommy intervenes, then she gets some plain yogurt added, too.
Moo - What a cow says. Not her favorite animal, but probably her favorite animal sound to say herself.
Punch - An English word, but she knows it because of a Japanese cartoon character's TV show, Anpanman. Anpanman beats up tha bad guy, Baikinman, by doing an Aaan-Punch! (Anpanman punch), and now that Riona has been wearing Colin's old Anpanman pajamas she's been running around punching and saying, "Punch, punch".
Buckle - She will say this word when I'm buckling her into her car seat.
Joo - Riona-ese for Juice. We don't drink a whole lot of juice, but she loves it when she gets it.
Baboh - Riona-ese for bubble. She, like Colin, loves it when I blow bubbles in my hand during bath time. And she, like Colin, loves to pop my bubbles. I've learned, in the course of being a parent, that kids usually want to destroy the things you make. Like bubbles, or towers made of alphabet blocks, or whatever. At least until they get older and get a train set.
Mana - Riona-ese for Banana. She loves bananas. Loves them! Unfortunately, she isn't regular enough to eat them very often. Her current fruit of choice is the raisin.
Mine - This was actually one of her first words. Right after Daddy (1st!) and right before Mommy, I think. So it may have been her second word. Colin was a good teacher for this word. Maybe we should have given Riona more toys of her own, instead of expecting Colin to share.
Pants - Actually, when she says "pants" it sounds pretty close to when she says "punch".
Itai - "Oww" in English. Earlier she would say this word in a very nonchalant manner, as if she were saying, "Well, I guess it hurts. Just thought you would want to know." More recently she's been using it more like you'd expect. But somehow, just this last week, she started using itai in the same way Colin used to when he was younger: that is, to get attention. "If you won't hold my hand, or respond to me, well, fine. 'OWWWW! Oh, it hurts!' Now will you give me attention?"
Tete - Baby talk for "te" in Japanese, meaning "hand". Most commonly used with "Mommy, tete!", or "Mommy, hold my hand!" when we are in the car. Mommy has usually given in to the request, despite the awkward twisting it requires to reach around from the front seat to the back seat, and when Mommy has tried to be strong Riona has shown herself willing to spend an hour repeating herself, with all the tears and drama she can muster. "Mommy, tete!" will sometimes devolve into, "Mommy, itai" if it isn't effective after half an hour or so. See above.
Achi - Baby talk for "atsui" in Japanese, meaning "hot". She can assess whether something is "achi" all by herself and begin the blowing procedure to cool it off.
Nini - Baby talk for "Oniisan" in Japanese, meaning "older brother". Colin therefore goes by both "Colin" and "Nini" in our family.
Baaba - Japanese for "grandma". She gets to talk with Baaba over the internet fairly frequently, and loves to say, "Baaba" to her. And Baaba loves to hear Riona say it.
Kaii - Riona-speak for Kawaii in Japanese, meaning "cute". It is for obvious reasons that Riona has learned this word. She now points at herself and says, "Kaii", and then waits for you to acknowledge that yes, she is kawaii.
Keki - Or is it Keeki? Whatever. Cake in English, and is pronounced basically like "cake-ey". I haven't heard her use this word yet. Hmm, maybe my family is secretly baking and eating cakes while I'm at work.
Nene - Japanese baby talk for nemasu, to sleep. Usually said of someone else, because she isn't the kind of person to volunteer for taking a nap.
Bato - Riona-ese for Baton, which is a contraction of Bachi and Futon, meaning dirty blankie. I'm not sure if that is a standard contraction or if it's just what Baaba called Taeko's blankie because it was, growing up, a dirty blankie.
Bachi - Japanese for "Dirty". She loves pointing out when things are bachi, though sometimes she declares them bachi when I don't think they are. Maybe she sees something I don't.
Pipi - Japanese baby talk for "tori", meaning "bird". Saying "pipi" in Japanese would be about like us calling something a "cheep cheep" or "chirp chirp". She knows both "pipi" and "bird", and will vary which word she chooses I think based on which one she had heard most recently from Mommy or Daddy or Colin.
Wawa - Riona-ese for Wanwan. This is the children's word for "inu", meaning "Dog". She has always loved dogs, and one of her best dog moments was when, at the park, she was able to pet two wonderful Shetland Collies, who were both so patient through all the pettings. She'll chase dogs, too, from a safe distance.
Panpan - Japanese baby talk for Pan, or bread.
Paka paka - Horse. I haven't heard her say this one, either. It's another one of those Japanese children's words based on the sound the animal makes.